SAFE Survivors Pamper Self-Care Workshop

Thank you to all of our warrior women who learnt Reiki healing for self and other. And a massive thanks to Tanya Gibson from Tanya’s Flawless Beauty Academy for facilitating the workshop.

One of our attendees said..

‘I learnt so much and I got to go somewhere without my kids where I am doing something for me! I loved the food and the company and the pamper bags we where gifted are absolutely fab! I will be having a hot salt lavender bath tomorrow evening.’

‘I’ve been through so much, but I’ve grown my angel wings and now I’m flying, I’m feeling so empowered, and its so good to see my lovely friends. Thank you SAFE Survivors!’

About Wen

I am an Integrative Psychotherapist. My philosophy begins with my belief that all humans have capacity to reach their potential, and that this becomes more possible if they can experience a safe and nurturing environment. I specialise in domestic and relational abuse work, and run a Non-profit-Organisation Counselling Service, as well as facilitate regular meetings, training programs and events, for female Survivors. I believe that we can inspire and empower each other, through processing difficult past experiences and sharing our strengths and successes. Together there is no limit to what we can achieve! Men can also be impacted by domestic and relational abuse and I do not hold judgments towards abusers. I believe that anyone who desires to behave differently, can assess there beliefs and gain new awareness and understanding about themselves and others. I have respect for people who make positive changes and it is rewarding for me to see people recover and heal from scars caused by domestic and relational abuse.
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